A Mental Prison - Escape through thought May 19, 2024
In this newsletter:
- My audience
- Albert Camus - Lermontov
- Thoughts can destroy us
- A mental prison
- Thoughts determine happiness
- Taking a break from writing
- Bali research trip


People ask me who is my audience, who am I writing for. Some guys think I’m writing about them, or...

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A Man in his Sixties - Men's Passages May 14, 2024
In this newsletter:
- A Man in his Sixties
- Men's Passages
- Estate planning
- Medicare enrollment
- AARP - Brooke Shields
- Top 5 killers in your sixties
- Family photo

A Man in his Sixties

“Life offers many rich and varied seasons through the forties and fifties and into the...

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Quiet - The Power of Introverts; Individuality versus mutuality May 06, 2024
In this newsletter:
- Quiet - The Power of Introverts
- Janus, the god
- Individuality versus mutuality
- Calm, not speed


“In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.”
-Isaiah 30:15 


“Peter, you’re a loner.”

When I was married, my wife said...

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A Crisis in Masculinity - King, Warrior, Magician, Lover Apr 28, 2024


Last week, I wrote about the Men's Group meeting I attended. One of the guys mentioned something that reminded me of a conversation I had with my friend, Dave, years ago.  


Dave - a true story

Dave:   “Peter, I told my dad I love...

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Men's Group, Solitude is Luminous Apr 21, 2024
In this newsletter:
- Men's Group Meeting
- Solitude is Luminous
- Sins of the Unlived Life
- Georges Homsi - Transformation Coach
- A Blessing of Solitude


Men's Group Meeting


I recently had coffee with a friend here near the beach. He told me about his rise…and fall. He said he...

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What is a Practice? Apr 14, 2024
See previous newsletters or visit the website.
In this newsletter:
- What is a Practice?
- A Practice versus a goal
- Practice and Identity
- My three practices
- Scott Seidewitz - The Ancient Assassin


What is a Practice?

Question: What does it mean to “have a...

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Self-Control, 8 ways to boost willpower Apr 08, 2024
In this newsletter:
- Self-Control
- The Power of Habit
- Three Willpower Studies
- What is Self-Control?
- 8 ways to boost Self-Control




My friend
My friend recently told me he’s a sex addict. He was serious. I’ll spare you the details.

We've been close friends...

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The Middle Passage - Finding Meaning; Carl Jung - Individuation Apr 02, 2024
In this newsletter:
- The Middle Passage
- My midlife crises
- Carl Jung
- James Hollis
- Pablo Casals - Never retire
- Ray Bradbury - Never worked a day in his life

“The midlife crisis, which I prefer to call the Middle Passage, presents us with an opportunity to reexamine our lives and to ask...

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Downsizing as we age - 16 benefits of minimalism Mar 25, 2024
In this newsletter:
- One home, one suitcase
- Goodbye, business suits
- My simple life
- Why do we accumulate so much?
- 16 benefits of minimalism
- Marie Kondo
- Japanese tea house


“You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car...

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Improvisation - 13 tips for life Mar 17, 2024
In this newsletter:
- The Dream
- Patricia Ryan Madson
- Improv Wisdom
- 13 Improv Maxims
- Key Life Skills from Improv
- YouTube Improve example


The Dream

It was 2015. I was walking across Harvard Yard, on the way to my classroom. My heart was pounding, breathing was difficult, it was hard...

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Turning Pro - The fight to become a Professional Mar 10, 2024
In this newsletter:
- A Daily Fight
- Turning Pro
- Characteristics of an Amateur
- Becoming a Professional
- Qualities of a Professional
- The pro mindset to overcome Resistance 


A Daily Fight 

Every day, I get out of bed ready to fight.

It's always the same fight, against the same...

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This is your brain on music, Aruba, Key West Mar 03, 2024
In this newsletter:
- Kokomo - The Beach Boys
- Music changes us
- This is your brain on music
- Daniel J. Levitin
- Health benefits of music 
- Beach party research trip:
     - Key West, Florida
     - Aruba

Kokomo - The Beach Boys 

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I...

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